


Watch the below video for step-by-step instructions on starting a virtual visit on your mobile device:


Watch the below video for step-by-step instructions on starting a virtual visit on a desktop or laptop:


安排虚拟访问 276.666.0500


You can start an appointment from your desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Watch the video below to learn what to expect during your virtual visit.



Make sure you are ready for your visit by installing the myPrivia app or 谷歌Chrome.

If you plan to use a mobile device or tablet, download the myPrivia app


If you plan to use a desktop or laptop, download 谷歌Chrome



虚拟访问适用于各种护理需求, 包括紧急护理, 常规随访, 慢性疾病管理, 药物管理, 检查测试或实验室结果, 生活方式指导. 常见疾病包括鼻窦问题, 呼吸道感染, 过敏, cold and flu symptoms and many other non-emergency illnesses can be treated virtually. Contact your doctor to understand how virtual visits will work best for you.


There are a couple technological requirements we suggest to ensure you have a seamless experience. 确保你使用的设备带有网络摄像头, 麦克风和强大的互联网连接, 比如笔记本电脑, 手机或平板电脑.

为了获得最佳体验,请使用 谷歌Chrome 笔记本电脑或台式电脑上的Web浏览器. If using a mobile device or tablet, download the myPrivia mobile app in the 苹果 or 谷歌玩 应用程序商店.


  1. You will receive an email before your appointment to complete the required check-in steps. 你必须在访问前登记.
  2. 点击签到邮件提醒中的“开始我的签到”. 您将被引导通过技术检查, 收集同意书, 保险确认, 并支付你的费用.
  3. After completing the check-in process you are ready for your visit! If your visit is starting soon you will be able to go directly into a virtual waiting room. Otherwise, you will receive another email with the link to join your virtual visit.
  4. Click "Start My 虚拟访问" ten minutes before you are scheduled to meet with your provider. 你会看到一个虚拟的等候室.
  5. 一旦您的提供者可用, you will hear an alert noise and the "Join Visit" button will become active for you to click on and connect with your provider.
  6. 在瞬间, your provider will be visible to you on the screen and you may begin your virtual visit.
  7. Once finished, both you and your provider will end the virtual visit. Any next steps of care that you and your provider discussed will be inputted securely into your medical record and will be carried out, 根据您的供应商的说明.
  8. You will be prompted to fill out a survey about your experience.


Watch the below video for step-by-step instructions on starting a virtual visit on your mobile device:



Watch the below video for step-by-step instructions on starting a virtual visit on a desktop or laptop:



Most commercial insurance plans cover virtual visits just as they would an in-office visit with your doctor, 但请与您的保险公司确认. In advance of the visit you will receive an email to check-in through a secure online platform. As with any office visit, we will collect the normal copay amount during the check-in process. After your virtual visit we will submit a claim to your insurance carrier for full payment. 如果这项服务不在你的保险范围内, 我们将与您合作,建立一个负担得起的付款计划.



记得使用带有网络摄像头的设备, 麦克风和强大的互联网连接, 比如笔记本电脑, 手机或平板电脑. 为了获得最佳体验,请使用 谷歌Chrome 笔记本电脑或台式电脑上的Web浏览器. If using a mobile device or tablet, download the myPrivia mobile app in the 苹果 or 谷歌玩 应用程序商店.

If prompted by your device, be sure to 'allow' the technology access to your webcam and microphone.


Poor video quality is usually caused by a slow inter网 connection. You will need an absolute minimum inter网 connection of 20 mbps to do a virtual doctor’s visit.

要测试您的互联网连接速度,请访问 speedtest.网 并按下Go键. If the test says your speed is under 20 mbps and you’re using wifi, try using a wired inter网 connection or restarting your router.


We will send a message to the email account you have on file with our office. Be sure to complete the check in steps as prompted by the email. If you cannot locate your email contact our office and we will be able to send you another virtual visit link.


Once we are ready to see you the "Join Visit" button will become active and you will hear a chime. You can then click on the button and connect through the virtual visit platform. As health care providers we try our best to stay on time but in some cases we do run late. We appreciate your patience and will try to see you as soon as possible.


请查看上面列出的常见问题. If this information does not address your needs reach out to our office. We will do our best to help address any issues in advance of your visit.